Thursday, March 2, 2017

Dot Com Boom and Bust

I actually wasn't present for this talk so I had to go over the slides to see what it was about. The title made it clear is was about the Dot Com Boom and Bust which is a term for the insane growth of internet companies and their eventual demise. From reading this, I notices a lot of similarity to the Housing Market Boom and Bust. I watched a movie called the Big Short and there seems to be a lot of similarities such as people capitalizing on get rich quick deals. I don't actually remember the Dot Com Boom because I was so young then. However, I do remember the rise of MySpace and how much more fun it was than Facebook. The Dot com boom started because of over investing in companies and Venture Capitalists trying to make a quick profit by selling their shares for a higher profit. This made companies focus on  Venture Capitalism and funds raising instead of what they should have been more worried about which is creating long lasting value and increasing revenue. But honestly, I can't judge these Venture Capitalists because if I had made a lot of money on investing in one company I will keep trying to do it again to increase my profits. It just seems like magic when you are investing and then selling those stock and boom. You just doubled your investing portfolio. Like that feels like a drug and you're going to want to do it again and why not? If it worked before it will probably work again.

Reading some of the other blog posts, I noticed that Andrew Fry talked again about how his family moved and he was all on his own here to start his own companies. I think part of his success comes from his personality. He is a really likable person and great at communication and public speaker. He is amazing at telling stories and this must attract talented people in order to help execute his visions for his companies.

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